This geranium my mother's friend Mrs. Heckman gave this to me and said keep it in the sun and it will never quit blooming.It is a single bloom almost like a daisy. I am so proud of it and have kept it in her memory.I was a just a new bride when she gave it to me.
It is hard to start a slip from, some times break it off and use Take Root powder and then some times you have to lay a piece of the vine in dirt and it will sprout. It has to be in a South or West window in Winter.
Out of these 3 rows of carrots I froze 81 cups of sliced carrots. The Red Beets on the right I have canned 17 pint of sliced spiced red beets.But only about 1/2 of the patch was ready.My children all love the spiced Red Beets. My mother's recipe.