Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ribbon Friendship Star

This is the Ribbon Friendship star block.

Close up of Ribbon Star made into a table runner. Now I have to quilt it and enjoy.Click on picture and see a closer view how interesting it is.

Monday, July 16, 2012

50 year Old Geranium

This geranium my mother's friend Mrs. Heckman gave this to me and said  keep  it in the sun and  it will never quit blooming.It is a single bloom almost like a daisy.  I am so proud of it and have kept it in her memory.I was a just a new bride when she gave it to me.

It is hard to start a slip from, some times break it off and use  Take Root powder and then some times you have to lay a piece of the vine in dirt and it will sprout. It has to be in a South or West window in Winter.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Carrots & Red Beets

Out of these 3 rows of carrots I froze 81 cups of sliced carrots.  The Red Beets on the right I have canned 17 pint of sliced  spiced red beets.But only about 1/2 of the patch was ready.My children all love the spiced Red Beets. My mother's recipe.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Garlic from our Garden

 My husband pulled 75 garlic plants

Here are the bulbs after he cleaned them.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ben Franklin BOM block

Ben Franklin was born January 17,1706 in Boston. The youngest of fifteen childreen.

Ben Franklin Block BOM

This BOM started June 18 so you can go to and join in the fun.